Corporate Guidelines


Ethics is the basis of the Company, all management and employees in carrying out their duties and responsibilities, including maintaining integrity and professionalism at work. The Company uses the Code of Ethics as a reference in relations with internal and external parties and the delivery of information to the public. Whereas the value system that forms the basis of the application of corporate culture is the value of trusted performance-based, Integrity, creative and innovative, and presenting a spirit of family in a corporate environment.


The Company understands the importance of preventing any violations. For this reason, the Company has a mechanism so that any violations that appear to be known by management, in addition to investigation and prosecution, also to prevent any potential violations that arise. This Violation Reporting System does not conflict with the applicable laws and regulations as well as the articles of association of the Company.

Any reported violations will be treated confidentially and resolved in accordance with the applicable legal provisions. In 2018 there were no violations reported through the Reporting Abuse System.


In implementing corporate governance, the Company has implemented open corporate governance as stipulated in POJK No. 21/2015 and SEOJK No. 32/2015, governance guidelines cover 5 (five) aspects, 8 (eight) principles and 25 (twenty five) recommendations for the application of aspects and principles of good corporate governance. The Company continues to implement recommendations and improve its quality from time to time.