Internal Audit is an independent activity to examine and evaluate the activities of an organization (Business / Work Unit) to ensure that each Business / Work Unit in carrying out its activities follows all applicable laws / policies / regulations / procedures / business processes in the company. Carry out activities in an effective, efficient and economical manner and to obtain adequate confidence that financial reporting is carried out in a proper, timely, relevant manner and in accordance with the usual accounting principles. In addition, the Internal Audit process also provides consultations to the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners and Business / Work Units within PT Pelayaran Tamarin Samudra Tbk regarding the planning process, structuring business processes related to the process of identifying, measuring and determining the priority of controls at control points specifically related with business risk and financial reporting risk with the aim of improving the quality of business processes and the quality of the financial reporting process through increasing the effectiveness of risk management, internal control and the process of Good Corporate Governance.
Internal Audit Unit PT Pelayaran Tamarin Samudra Tbk as an integral part of the company's organization is under and responsible directly to the Board of Directors. Aside from that as a working partner, the Internal Audit Unit can consult with the Board of Commissioners regarding audit activities covering the planning to monitoring the implementation of follow-up.
Duties and Responsibilities
The duties and responsibilities of the Internal Audit Unit include:
- Develop audit strategies and work plans based on the results of analysis of the risks faced by the company in achieving business strategies.
- Examine and evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness in the fields of finance, operations, human resources, marketing, information technology and other activities in achieving the stated mission, goals and strategies.
- Conduct and contribute to the improvement of effective controls by conducting reviews and evaluations of internal controls in all activity units within the company.
- Prepare and carry out an investigative audit especially on the instructions of the President Director and or the Commissioner of the Company and the management's request with the approval of the President Director.
- Providing suggestions for improvements and objective information about activities examined at all levels of management in order to improve systems, procedures, budgets and policies.
- Make an audit report and submit the report to the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners.
- Monitor, analyze and report on the implementation of further improvements that have been suggested.
- Develop and improve the work standards of Internal Audit and Corporate Internal Audit Guidelines.
The Company has appointed Mr. Samuel Marpaung as Head of the Company's Internal Audit.
Head of Internal Audit Profile
Samuel Marpaung has a Bachelor of Economics / Accountancy background from HKBP Nommensen University, Medan, North Sumatra in 1997. He has 23 years experience in accounting. Joined the Company since 2019.